
Since 2006 CDPF has conducted grant managing activities. This service is envisaged for those local and international institutions, as well as individuals who are interested in supporting other individuals and organizations financially (and non-financially) through allocating grants (scholarships or other projects).

Up till now 77 advocacy and election grants and 84 scholarships have been distributed and administered with a total budget of 475’743’000 AMD. Among our clients are the Armenian Educational Foundation and Counterpart International Armenia within the framework of Civic Advocacy Support Program.

We may implement not only the whole process of grant management which includes the selection of type of competition (open, closed, with limitations, single or multi phase), format development, announcement dissemination, accepting applications and organizing the selection process, signing contracts, monitoring project implementation and announcing the project termination, but its separate parts as well. While developing the service we take into consideration every claim of our client trying to make it compliant with conditions existing in Armenia.

In case of questions and additional information, please, contact CDPF Director Gagik Vardanyan , by tel. +374 10 576670 or e-mail

Below we present our implemented and ongoing grant projects.