
Based on the analysis of the external and internal environment, CDPF has developed a strategy that will contribute to the solution of main issues faced by CSOs and CDPF. Taking into consideration  the CDPF mission and vision CDPF has identified four Strategic Objectives in its Strategic Plan:

CSO Institutional Development: CDPF will continue developing efforts aimed at building institutional capacities of local CSOs and channeling funds for CSO activities. 

Improving of CSO Environment: improvement of the environment and CSOs image became one of the most important activities for CDPF during the last years and it will continue its works in this area.

Efficient Partnership Development: CDPF will continue promoting intersectoral and CSOs partnerships at local and national levels.

CDPF Institutional Development: only strong and sustainable organization can serve as example for and support other CSOs thus CDPF continuously develop its organizational capacities and human resources, elaborate and implement new high-quality services and programs, develop its partnerships, and enhance its reputation.